C A S I D I N G  &  A S S O C I A T E S

         L  A W  O F F I C E 






Service with Commitment , Integrity and Effectivity 


The Lawyer

He has over thirty (30) years of extensive experience in litigation and consultancy involving corporate, civil, labor, banking transactions, trademarks and patents, food and drug related cases, construction and real estate business, special proceedings and criminal cases

Atty. Nolan C. Casiding

He completed the degree in Bachelor of Laws from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. In 1990, he became a full-fledged lawyer and immediately embarked into active court trials by handling intricate corporate, civil, labor, banking, trademarks and patents, and criminal cases. Barely a year after, China Banking Corporation sought for his legal services. He worked on highly specialized contracts and rendered corporate legal opinions. He handled similar cases in numerous courts, quasi-judicial or administrative branches of government. 

From 1992 to 1994, Atty. Nolan C. Casiding was a bank lecturer in General Banking Act, Corporate Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Special Contracts, loan documentations, and labor problems.   He eventually became a senior partner of LIM VIGILIA ALCALA DUMLAO ALAMEDA & CASIDING LAW OFFICE, duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  This Law Office consisted of eighteen (18) lawyers with several years of solid experience in litigation involving varied disciplines of law.

In February 2012, he established the CASIDING LAW OFFICE  located at  Suite 2303, 23/F, Cityland Herrera Tower,        

98 V.A. Rufino corner Valero Streets, Salcedo Village, Bel-Air, Makati City.